The Color Purple (Musical) The Color Purple (Musical) - Our Prayer

[Nettie & Celie]
Hey, sister, what you gon' do
Going down by the river gonna play with you
Papa don't like no screamin' 'round here
No lip from the woman when they chug that beer

You all grown up and pretty now
It's time for you to get married
Have one good year before you get big

I can't get married, I'm still in school
Who that man talkin' to Pa?

Girl at church say
He lookin' for a new wife to take care of his mean chirren

Well I see where they get their mean from
Look at him, holdin' his whip like he got a horse waitin' somewhere
You see any horse?

You don't wanna get married?

I wanna know how the world goes
How far is the Moon
How the sky changes color
Hope I find out soon

What you want?

I wanna sit and do nothin'
Make you a new dress
Hope my babies are happy
Someplace God will bless

Celie! Get to work!

Ain't no need to discuss

It ain't worth a big fuss

Whatever come to us
Is in God's hands

When I lay me down to sleep
I will say my prayer
That God love me so deep
He will promise our souls to keep

I'll say a prayer

Why you wanna know so much about tobacco?

I'm thinkin' 'bout plantin' it

You is not
Now what you doin' here?

I wanna marry Nettie
She a sweet young girl

She too young

She's the cutest thing
In this whole world

She gonna be a teacher

Picture me in a schoolhouse
With my college degree
I can teach all my children
To spell Tennessee

You can have Celie, though
She too old to be livin' at home

Maybe I'll have a garden
Where birds come to sing

I don't want Celie
She ugly

Know a finch from a sparrow
Fix a broken wing

I wanna hear your birds sing

Wanna hear your school bell ring

No matter what life bring
Us in God's hands

Whyn't you quit comin' 'round here
Just go marry Shug Avery?

Shug Avery

Who Shug Avery?

Shug Avery!

She Mister ol' girlfriend

Shug Avery not a child-raisin' woman
You know that
She the queen honeybee

She a low-down ho, is what everybody said
You lookin' for a new Shug Avery, you better go to Memphis
All we got here is one pretty girl you'll never have
And one ugly girl can work like a man

I really want that girl

I told you no!

[Celie & Nettie] / [Mister]
When I lay me down to sleep/I wanna marry Nettie
I will say my prayer/She's a sweet young girl
That God love me so deep/She the cutest thing
He will promise our souls to keep/In this whole word
Together, I'll say a prayer/I really want that girl

You want any kids?

Someday, I guess
I know you do

Doctor say I can't have no more kids
I think God just want me to take care of you

We'll live in big houses

Put swings in the trees

Braid up your gray hair

In the cool of the breeze

And one day
Our children will sing

When I lay me down to sleep
I will say my prayer
That God love me so deep
He will promise our souls to keep

I'll say a prayer
I'll say our prayer